Dj Stage Led Screen

شاشات فيديو ليد - led

 Dj Stage Led Screen

شاشات مخصصة لقاعات الافراح  


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المواصفات التقنية

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  • Category Dj Stage
  • Size : 3097*1111*1470m (length*Width*height)
  • Pixel Pitch : 4mm
  • Lamp Density 67500 dots / m2
  • Drive Mode : 1/16 scan
  • Viewing Distance from 5 meters to 50 meters
  • Scanning rate≥1200 Hz
  • Screen life 50000-80000 hours
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Brighter and more efficient!

  • stand-Alone Mode
  • Fast and easy installtion
  • Immersive Visual Experience
  • Very excellent for the wedding halls
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شاشات جديدة مصممة خصيصاً لمتخصصى الحفلات والافراح

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