Features of the giant screen
The screen can broadcast video and television shows, 3D animated films and visual effects, which are very essential to attract attention and arouse interest.
More interactive
Screens can display information that is constantly or at a constant rate, such as promotions, special offers, and updates related to schedules and products.
More professional and advanced
Screens are a high-tech tool that spreads very quickly as a result of its ability to improve the quality of the work it has dealt with.
The giant advertising screens are brighter than the well-known traditional advertisements and are clearer to see from long distances, even in the presence of direct sunlight.
⇐High brightness up to 8500cd
⇐The degree of protection is IP 65 and from the back is IP 54 or 21
⇐Resistant to weather and rain
⇐Equipped with an air conditioning system to protect against high temperatures for large areas
Control the screen from anywhere remotely using the Internet or Wi-Fi
Possibility to broadcast live matches
It is easy to use and has special programs that explain how to use it
It is easy to maintain and the ability to repair and know the causes of its damage by monitoring its fault system.
It has a remote control feature
Very energy-saving and works wirelessly via Wi-Fi
Padded with rubber pads that protect it from damage and destruction
It has waterproof insulation and deals with weather changes efficiently
Hand screens maintain a high rate of quality and clarity
Models that can be used
p 16 for more details
p 10 for more details
p 8 for more details
p 6 for more details
p 5 for more details
p 4 for more details
Start from today in planning your future in the world of advertising and advertising
Our company has been involved in the design and installation of LED display screens and giant screens for indoor and outdoor installations
Our company is the largest and most widespread in the market and covers all sectors
(Entertainment – advertisements – sports – mobile trucks – media – stores)